Wow, would you believe it's been 20 years that I have been associated with Covenant House? I first came as a snowbird, doing 6 months, one day a week. I started after I retired from my educational career as an educator, counselor and an administrator. I looked at where I could best fit in and I found my home, Covenant House. I was placed with Loderick and so my journey began.
I worked with the substance abuse group, the 12-step program (CHAMP - Covenant House Addiction Management Project). I took the clients to the meetings and then to lunch. It was at lunch that I had an opportunity to counsel (table manners, problem solving). I was fortunate to have done this for many years. Loderick moved me into the intake area as I became a full-time resident in Florida. As the years went on I added a second day.
So where am I now? Hard of hearing and unable to work the phones, not as mobile as I shoudl be so it is time to retire. This experience has helped keep my mind active as well as my body. What a great agency with great values and direction.