About Covenant House

Since its inception, Covenant House Florida has served runaway, homeless, and at-risk youth under 21 in Fort Lauderdale and 18-24 in Orlando, including teen parents and their babies. Beginning October 1st, 2022 Covenant House Florida will serve, in its safe haven, youth ages 18-24 including pregnant and parenting youth and their babies.

Each year, we reach hundreds of youth in Fort Lauderdale and Orlando via street outreach, crisis shelters, transitional housing projects, and aftercare, making Covenant House Florida one of the largest private agencies serving runaway and homeless youth in the state of Florida.

The demand for emergency shelter currently exceeds our financial capacity, and we have waiting lists in both Fort Lauderdale and Orlando. We ask all referral sources, e.g. law enforcement personnel, social service representatives, pastors, teachers, and guidance counselors, as well as youth and parents seeking help to call ahead to determine if a bed is available.

Group of People - Staff Members

Our Youth

Image of women and child

Meliza's Story

"When I arrived at the doors of the Covenant House. Broken and completely wearied by life, I was hoping that this was the first of many steps into my destiny. The minute I took a seat in intake and took my first deep breath, I made a decision to never go back where I was. I became aware that starving every day would end when I was greeted with a hot meal, something my conscience still can't bear. Also having to beg for bath tissue and a chance to shower became a day job within itself, but knowing a warm bed was waiting for me soothed all of my worries."
Meliza, Florida

Shawn's Story

"Covenant House has helped me turn into an actual human being. How? Well first they gave me everything I needed to survive. Food, water, soap, shelter, and immediacy. On the streets I had no food, water, shelter, for two weeks. I was starving for those two long weeks. Then I looked to Covenant House Florida. Since I have been here, they have given me “life advice” when I needed the extra support. They have also given me “life skills. At Covenant House, they give you a chance to live your life and they give you a chance to straighten up."
 Shawn, Florida
Image of young adult male
Contact Info

Fort Lauderdale (954) 561-5559

Orlando (407) 482-0404

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