Frequently Asked Questions

See below for Fort Lauderdale and Orlando FAQs.
  • How do kids find out about Covenant House Florida?

    Most kids hear about us through word-of-mouth and walk in on their own. Some come to us referred by social service agencies, schools, churches, or the police. But we don’t just wait for kids to find us. Street outreach workers and volunteers travel by van and on foot to offer counseling, food, first aid, and information about the shelter. They look for youth in places where homeless and at-risk youth congregate such as under bridges, on street corners, and in dangerous and unhealthy situations. CHF also makes presentations to local organizations, churches, schools, etc.

  • What are the admission criteria; i.e. what do kids have to do to get into Covenant House Florida?

    Covenant House Florida is available without discrimination to youth ages 18-22 including pregnant and parenting youth and their babies, from any geographic location or socio-economic, ethnic, or cultural background. 

    Covenant House Florida is currently budgeted for a daily cap of 80 youth in Fort Lauderdale and 24 youth in Orlando. There is a waiting list at both locations. We ask all referral sources, such as law enforcement personnel, social service agencies, pastors, hotlines, teachers, and guidance counselors, as well as youth and parents seeking help to call ahead to ensure a bed is available. In Ft. Lauderdale, call 954-561-5559. In Orlando, call 407-482-0404.

  • Where do the kids come from?

    We help kids from all over the world, but over two-thirds of our kids are from the South and Central Florida areas.

  • What do the kids do all day?

    Each youth in our program works together with our counselors to develop a plan; for example, to return home, to go to a foster home or appropriate long-term program, to begin substance abuse treatment, or for older youth, to prepare for independent living. Residents have daily plan objectives to complete each day that fills their time such as counseling, health assessment, chores, sessions on life skills, employment, and teen parenting/pregnancy education, school or G.E.D. classes, working or looking for jobs, and following up on referrals, as well as planned educational/recreational activites.

  • Do the kids help around the shelter?

    The kids who come to us are in crisis, and their first and foremost priority is to work on stabilizing themselves to move toward productive lives. But the kids do help a great deal around the shelter. All our bedrooms are dormitory-style, accommodating multiple youth. The residents in a particular room share the housekeeping responsibilities of their room. The kids also do their own laundry, and they always pitch in to help keep the common areas and dining room clean.

  • How many kids a day do you care for?

    Every day, we provide services and shelter to up to 75 youth in Ft. Lauderdale and 24 youth in Orlando. In addition, each site serves an additional 30 youth daily via street outreach, drop-in services, CSC in Orlando, and aftercare.

  • What is your relationship with the police and with others in the community?

    We realize that we are part of our neighborhood, and we strive to maintain positive relationships with the police, with other social service agencies, and with our neighbors, all of which often refer kids to us. They know we’ll accept the kids no one else wants. Sometimes, we have kids with unresolved legal issues. They may stay with us as long as they are following their court-mandates responsibilities. If the police come with a warrant, we immediately counsel the youth to deal with the problem or face discharge from our program. Throughout our 38-year history in Ft. Lauderdale and 28-year history in Orlando, we have endeavored to be excellent neighbors, diligently maintaining our buildings and grounds and immediately responding to neighbors’ comments or questions.

  • How long do the kids stay?

    The kids may stay as long as they continue to work on their plan. Our emergency/crisis shelter is a short-term program where we help kids work toward a positive, planned discharge as quickly as possible. The average length of stay is under 30 days, but that’s a mathematical average and doesn’t represent a typical stay. For a few kids, a meal, some counseling, and a call home are enough. For a great many others who have been disconnected from home, school, and society for up to a few years, a few months may be needed. The average length of stay in our “Right of Passage” transitional housing program is up to two years. Although the kids usually stay with us only short-term, we build long-term relationships with many of them because often they need us more than once over a period of months or years.

  • What do you do when kids are sick or get injured?

    The most common health problems we see are upper respiratory infections and skin disorders caused or worsened by living out in the open. We also see high-risk pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, consequences of drug and alcohol abuse, and injuries from fights or accidents. In Fort Lauderdale, registered nurses staff our licensed on-site clinic Monday thru Friday and two Saturdays a month. All emergencies are handled immediately by referral to urgent care resources in the community.

  • What is your success rate?

    We are 100% successful in meeting the immediate needs of the kids who come to us. But Covenant House Florida is a voluntary program. Kids come and go by their own choice — so we can measure only if they fulfilled their plan before leaving. And over a third do. For the kids who don’t stay with our program, we hope that our caring and respect have made a difference in their lives. These kids are not necessarily unsuccessful — they’re simply “unknowns.” We don’t have any way of tracking what happens to them unless they get in touch with us. Many, however, have written or called to tell us how much we meant to them when they were really down and no one else would help. Through the years, countless teens and young adults have told us how much it mattered that we accepted them in their hour of need. Often, they credit Covenant House Florida with saving their lives and affording them opportunities to reach their goals, including former residents now in college, serving in the armed forces, or working stable jobs and taking care of families of their own.

  • Do you offer services for kids after they leave the crisis shelter?

    In addition to some short-term aftercare services, our transitional housing projects (Rights of Passage) provide supportive independent living assistance for older adolescents for up to two years. We make follow up calls one, three, six and twelve months after they leave to find out if the youth continue to maintain stable living.

  • Are you a Catholic agency supported by the Catholic Church?

    We are endorsed by church authorities in the Archdiocese of Miami, the Diocese of Orlando, and other Florida Dioceses, but the institutional church does not fund our program. Much of our support comes from individuals of various faiths and houses of worship of all denominations. We do not discriminate on the basis of race/religion in providing services to kids or in staffing (employees and volunteers).

  • What are your annual expenses, and where does the funding come from?

    Our fiscal year runs from July 1st through June 30th. In 2020, our expenses totaled $8,851,055 which 87% was dedicated toward program services, the remainder for fund-raising and administration. Most of our funding — 63% — came from private sources including individuals, corporations, foundations, special events, and Covenant House corporate support. The remainder was from government grants.

  • May donors designate their gifts for a particular site or service?

    Most of our donors want us to use their contributions where they are needed most, however we honor all special designations.

  • Are there other programs like Covenant House Florida? Where are they?

    There are other shelters for runaway and/or homeless youth in many cities, but most are small (10-15 beds), and few serve youth age 18-21. Covenant House Florida is part of an international agency with 31 programs in U.S. States — Alaska, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New York (headquarters), Pennsylvania, and Texas, and Washington, D.C. plus Canada, Honduras, Mexico, Guatemala and Nicaragua. Together, Covenant House programs served 71,000 youth last year.

  • Who heads Covenant House?

    Covenant House International, which is headquartered in New York City, is governed by a voluntary corporate Board of Directors. Bill Bedrossian is the President of Covenant House International. Each site also has its own Board of Directors and an Executive Director/CEO who manages site services and administration. Renee Trincanello is the Chief Executive Officer of Covenant House Florida with leadership responsibility for both the Fort Lauderdale and Orlando programs.

  • What does Covenant House Florida need?

    Covenant House Florida relies primarily on the partnership from over 50,000 individuals from throughout Florida to reach out and respond to troubled youth. You can help.

    • - Contribute financially — every dollar makes a difference. Give through your employee work campaigns/United Way
    • - Give gifts of stock
    • - Donate essentials, especially hygiene supplies, baby items, and clothing — most of our kids wear adult sizes, and they need casual items like jeans and sneakers plus business attire for job interviews and work.
    • - Participate in special events - like the Sleep Out or Strides for Pride.
    • - Volunteer — opportunities are available in both program and administrative areas.
    • - Bequests and Trusts
  • What are the Privacy Practices for Covenant House Florida?

    Click Here for more information.

  • Can donors make gifts of stock or other non-cash gifts?

    Yes, donors wishing to make stock, noncash gifts or estate gifts should contact chf@covenanthousefl.org Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm EST.

  • Is my donation tax deductible?

    All contributions to Covenant House Florida are tax-deductible upon receipt of payment. You will receive a receipt for your donation for the full amount of your contribution that is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

  • What is the Auxiliary Aids Policy for Covenant House Florida?

    CLICK HERE to view and download the policy.

Useful Links

Covenant House Florida is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization; EIN/Tax ID number: 59-2323607. Privacy Policy

Contact Info

Fort Lauderdale (954) 561-5559

Orlando (407) 482-0404

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